OneCraze saio — Interactive projection custom design

Showcasing 5 Projects

saio Indoor interactive floor projector sport all-in-one

Saio Indoor interactive floor projection creates an infinitely fun space experience. By projecting images onto the floor, you can interact with content and make any venue come alive.SAIO Whether you’re looking for innovative business solutions or want to bring new ways to entertain and educate your family, this technology will provide you with an unforgettable experience.

Mobile interactive floor projector

Mobile interactive floor projection makes interaction everywhere. This advanced technology projects stunning images to any location, giving you endless creative and entertainment possibilities. Not limited by space, it is suitable for various occasions such as events, exhibitions, education and entertainment.

Outdoor interactive floor projector all-in-one

Outdoor interactive floor projection brings interactive entertainment to the outdoor world. This innovative technology projects stunning images onto the outdoor ground, bringing a unique entertainment and interactive experience to outdoor settings. Whether in public events, theme parks, square events or outdoor advertising, it can attract people’s attention and add highlights to the event.